Sunday, July 7, 2013

Green Tea Acne Treatment

In this article we will reveal the truth about how green tea can prevent disturbing points that many of us have to put up with in our daily lives . Imagine if small pimples that seem to cause so much torment and self-awareness can be eradicated simply by drinking tea . So make yourself comfortable , grab a cup of green stuff and lets find out what acne treatment really works . If you do not already have any of the green stuff , then I guarantee you 'll want some of this after reading this .

Causes of Acne

Those who suffer from acne experience freckles , pimples and cysts are mainly formed on areas such as the face, back and chest . Acne can be painful , embarrassing and can negatively affect self-esteem .

When treating acne , we need to look at the main causes for skin problems are annoying . The core cause of insulin resistance , hormone and yes you guessed it chocolate . Sorry just kidding , although chocolate is not meant to help . Inflammation is another cause of acne .


Those who suffer from acne usually have higher levels of systemic inflammation . This gives acne that looks red and swollen because of excessive inflammatory response duties . Many have reported inflammatory green tea has helped them . In epidemiological studies it was found that people who drink a lot of cups a day of green formula has little inflammatory damage than those who did not drink tea every day . This is very encouraging and may even be breaking ground when trying to heal the angry red spots .


Sex hormones can have a devastating impact on your skin , then why acne usually occurs in adolescence . But fear not, because studies have shown that the type of green tea can help keep hormone levels balanced . This works because the tea is sex hormone binding globule , which significantly reduces the levels of a certain type of hormone called bioactive hormone . A hormone called dihydrotestosterone ( DHT ) is known to affect the sebaceous glands . These glands produce an oily fluid called sebum . Too much sebum and you get acne , too little and you end up with sore , dry skin . Basically DHT increase production of sebum , which causes oily skin which in turn causes acne . Those with acne usually have high levels of DHT , the oily skin . Green tea can lower problematic high levels of DHT and helps prevent acne .

To sum ​​it up . The more we balance our hormones troublesome skin will clear .

Blood Sugar , Insulin and Weight Loss

Do you know high blood sugar levels promote acne ? Well it's true . This is why common knowledge equals brown spots there . If you want to keep your skin healthy and clear as possible then stabalising your insulin levels should be a priority . Drinking green tea regularly has been shown to positively affect insulin and even helps protect against type 2 diabetes .

In addition , green tea has been proven to help accelerate fat burning in the body and actually speed up your metabolism to facilitate weight loss . Why is this relevant ? In summary , obesity is a major cause of high blood sugar levels , so if you want clear skin you need to keep the fat off by avoiding unhealthy foods and of course green drink formula .

Therefore , for healthy skin watch your diet , empty carbohydrates , chocolate and candy will not help , but one thing is the consumption of green tea may be due to its ability to lower blood sugar levels and help with weight loss .


Okay now back to their antioxidant incredible ! The antioxidants in green tea called catechins , it helps fight free radicals in our bodies and keep us healthy . Now here's an interesting fact : as we all know helps us stay healthy vitamins , especially vitamins C and E. We are told to grow you need to eat fruits and vegetables to keep the doctor away , but get this . Antioxidant tea has been proven to be more than 25 times stronger to fight free radicals to keep us healthy . And with the support of an amino acid found in green tea called theanine which also strengthens your immune system , then you have a winning combination to fight poor health and acne .

So instead of grabbing an apple or an orange next time you have a virus , you may want to consider green tea acne solution .

Green Tea vs benzoyl peroxide

Applying green tea as a topical agent can work as effective as the standard prescribed cream : benzoyl peroxide . It is surprising when you consider the benzoyl peroxide is usually the preferred means of physicians to treat acne and reduce redness . What's more , is that green tea does not have nasty side effects , unlike benzoyl peroxide which can easily dry the skin and cause severe irritation . Yes , a green herb acne treatment to minimize the risk of side effects makes it a great substitute for those chemical -based creams . Instead of applying chemicals on your skin , why not consider using something more natural and equally powerful as green tea .

Acne Treatment Tips

1 . Drink plenty of fresh green tea every day . Approximately three to six cups per day on average should do the trick , but remember to be consistent and consume on a regular basis , not only on one of the base . It can be difficult to change to green stuff from black tea and white , but is determined and make changes to reap the benefits .

2 . Treat yourself with green ( Hulk ) tea facial mask . Simply take your green tea and grind it into powder form . If you have a green tea bag and then cut open the bag using scissors or if you have a capsule then separates the capsule to release the tea . Now using tea tree oil to transform your powder into a paste . Apply a mixture of green tea to your face and leave it for about 20 minutes . Make sure you avoid contact with your eyes and make sure to thoroughly wash the face mask completely with warm water .

3 . This is my favorite method and it's really simple . After making a pot of green tea , take the tea bag and apply a good acne effected area or place it on the area for a while . Make sure not to burn your skin when using this method to let the cool green tea bags . Do not forget to wash your skin green tea with warm water after you finish .

So What's Next

So there we have it , the type of green tea can be used to fight and prevent acne by reducing inflammation and redness to stabilize blood sugar and insulin levels , lower levels of harmful hormones . Green things that can significantly help no matter how severe acne .

If you are serious about not only improve your skin , but want to be healthy holistic then drink 3-6 cups of tea a day , coupled with a healthy lifestyle ( good diet and exercise plan ) can make major repairs to skin and overall health .

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